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​November 16th - December 21st, 2024


"Thin Spaces: Ancient Celts used this term to describe sites on earth where the veil between this world and another is less solid, making the unseen and mystical seem more proximate and real. 


While I don't necessarily believe in places being sacred, I am fasinated by the idea that we can have resonant relationships with even the most rote architectural forms by transposing the ancient idea of thin spaces into a modern setting. 

This series of paintings addresses the relentless presence of billboards in the LA landscape. Wrested from their role as didactic messengers of commerce, they become transportive rather than transactional, and suggest that perhaps one way to encounter another world is to engage more deeply with our own."

Billis Williams Gallery

Where The Space Is Thin


Billis Williams Gallery

2716 S. La Cienega Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA. 90034


Saturday, November 16th: 4-7pm 

IMG_2588 2.HEIC


The summer gallery and exhibit, "Peregrinations," is now open. Come see Hesse's latest work inspired by recent travels in a beautiful 18th-century chapel on top of the cliffs of Puycelsi. The gallery is open from 7 July 2023 - 7 October 2023.


3 Promenade du Grand 

Chapelle St Roch
81140 Puycelsi

11:00 am  - 1:00 pm
3:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Open every day except Tuesdays

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